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Google Chrome ist ein auf Schnelligkeit und Stabilität ausgelegter als 64-Bit- Version für Windows, Linux und macOS sowie als Chrome App Version für Brave is available as a fast, free, secure web browser for your mobile devices. Complete with a built-in ad blocker that prevents tracking and provides security Download · Download Freeware. Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 - English Google Chrome is the world's most popular browser with the largest user-base. Platform(s): 64-bit Windows, Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista , How to determine if your system is running on 64-bit Windows (Microsoft) Aug 27, 2014 To get Chrome in 64-bit form, you have to squint a bit when you visit the Chrome download page. Under the obvious "Download Chrome" button, May 4, 2017 Tags: #32-bit #64-bit #google-chrome #web-browser #windows download and installation, Chrome will detect if it is running a 32-bit version Select Version of Google Chrome to Download for FREE! Google Chrome 2.0. 171.0 Beta · Add info, 9.14 MB. Google Chrome 2.0.172, Jun 10, 2009, 9.15 MB.
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